Five Things to Never Say to Your Boss
If you ever want to get leaders talking, ask them if they have any current employee issues. Dealing with the constant strain of needs, conflicts and ambitions of others is a never-ending mental and physical endurance test. Even the best leaders, those equanimous, empathetic, uplifting paragons, still find themselves struggling to balance the demands of the…
The Try Something New Challenge. You in?
I wrote about Poke the Box this week, which is all about initiative and it got me thinking… What would it be like to commit to trying something new every month? If we bring intention to initiative, it will change the dynamic. We’ll learn something new, no doubt. And regardless, it will create something larger…
Who ran off with your initiative?
Like millions of other people, I just started reading Seth Godin’s latest book, Poke the Box, which is his first foray into his new partnership with Amazon, The Domino Project, and the latest in his line of kick-you-in-the-pants reads. This one covers the golden ticket that is initiative, on a personal level and as it…
Should a leader be the MC or Main Event?
In Sunday’s Washington Post, David Rothkopf wrote an opinion piece that struck my eye. He talked about how Obama has positioned himself on global affairs as a sort of master of ceremonies, bringing countries together and orchestrating a coordinated effort rather than leading the way. Rothkopf intimates that Obama may lose followership from such an approach…
What Keith Richards Taught Me About Partnerships
One of the upsides (or depending on your view, downsides) of being a leadership coach is that I see leadership lessons everywhere. A television interview provides a cautionary tale about executive presence, an actor in a movie sets an example for finding connection, or a seemingly unrelated book has an interesting takeaway for management. In…
Faceless Tragedies: What Your Response to Japan Says About Human Behavior
Like most Americans, I’ve been watching the horrific images out of Japan and trying to put myself in the shoes of the people I see on the screen. I feel helpless, stunned, and ready to do something, but what? I can donate money, which I’ve done, and that makes me feel somewhat better. But then…
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