Face-to-Face Time with Employees Still Matters
Hybrid office arrangements demand that leaders be smart about how to get in front of their teams.

Welcome to Your Occasional Office (Here are the Rules)
Office culture is about to be transformed. Here’s how you can set rules that work for you.

Why 2021 is Your Reset Year
If the past year has taught us anything, predicting is a fraught exercise. We stumbled out of 2020 shellshocked and hopeful, only to find that 2021 still has untold adventures in store for us. Still, there’s a sense of progression, as humans are determined to look forward. Businesses are starting to gingerly plan, and markets…

Remember What You Loved About Your Job? It’s Still There If You Look.
Work may be different for a while, but it doesn’t have to be a grind. Here’s how to reclaim what you love about your job.

Leading During COVID: What To Say When You Don’t Know What To Say
When you don’t know what the future holds, here’s what leaders can say to help everyone cope.

Leading When the Plan is No Real Plan at All
In March, I stopped writing. Despite putting out columns every month for more than decade, I could not find anything to say that seemed helpful or worthy of the moment. (A February blog post on uncertainty suddenly seemed woefully naïve.) I was focused, like most of us, on trying to ensure that the people I…
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