How to Change and Stick to It
What would you like to change? My guess is that you could rattle off several ideas fairly quickly. Most people keep a running list of personal improvement targets – be less stressed, lose weight, eat better, parent differently, strengthen a skill, expand one’s network, get a new job, and so on. There’s no shortage of…

How to Say “You’re Not Performing” and Other Tough Messages
No manager wants to tell an employee they aren’t performing, or even worse, they’re fired. Here are ways to have hated converations with greater ease.

Three Things About Perfectionism I Wish I’d Learned Sooner
Perfectionism has a dark side that gets in the way of our success. Here’s what I wish I’d figured out earlier.

Stop Micromanaging (and Just Manage)
Micromanagers are trying to do the right thing. They want to create a good work product. They’re trying to share their experience for the greater good. They want to save others from the mistakes they’ve made. They push to keep things on track. If only intention equaled impact – but of course that’s not the…

Six Courageous Acts of Bosses We Love
We want to work for leaders who show managerial courage. Here are six acts that are most important.

This Will Keep You Calm in Chaos
As leaders, we never have a shortage of activities. There are always more tasks to complete, more emails to return, and more employee issues to solve. If we’re lucky, our team is in one office rather than spread across time zones. Many leaders find themselves up at 3 AM tracking down people across the world….
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