Let’s Get Real about Passion at Work
Everyone wants to have passion in their work. We want a job that’s engaging, and to be led by people who care about an overarching mission. People will spend their careers, jumping from job to job, simply trying to find a place that aligns with their passion. Passion in the workplace is a positive, inspiring force. Passion…

Look Here If You’re Missing A Sense Of Purpose
“Time to make the donuts,” the famous Dunkin’ Donuts commercial stated, and seared into our collective memories. Many professionals of all stripes now feel just like that donut maker: waking at dawn, crawling out of bed to go to work and make donut after the same donut. All the time, a voice is poking at…

Four Listening Moves To Get The Best Ideas
The person with the best idea wins. Well, maybe not always, but it sure doesn’t hurt. We all struggle with coming up with novel approaches to projects, people and problems. Creativity and insight can be frustratingly fleeting. What fires us up one day can dull us into inertia the next. And yet, the issues never…

Four Conversations that Make You a Better Leader
There’s a lot of communicating at work. It’s hard to find someone who wishes for more meetings, conversations or emails. Many workers feel inundated by the sheer amount of communications that’s required of them. For leaders in particular, it can seem as if you are never not communicating. Even when you’re silent, all eyes are watching for nonverbal…

Do You Need to Break Up With Your Phone?
At this point in our tech-obsessed culture, most of us have figured out that being constantly tethered to our phones can be problematic. It’s a classic love/hate relationship: we love our phones for all of their stimulation but we hate that we can never get away from the cascade of information. In her book Alone Together,…

How to Handle Negative People on Your Team
Pessimists, skeptics, cynics and naysayers exist in every organization. Depending on the individual, negativity can manifest in different ways, from being an incessant complainer to exhibiting passive aggressive behavior. Some workers seem ready to block any change initiative or progressive measure, sending ripples of negativity throughout an organization. This drag on forward movement can make…
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